Agrypnia varia · apsiuva «Agrypnia varia · apsiuva^Thumbnails«Agrypnia varia · apsiuva^Thumbnails«Agrypnia varia · apsiuva^Thumbnails

Agrypnia varia · apsiuva

It is a species whose larvae can be found in the littoral zone of still waters including lakes and ponds. Its substratum preference includes mud, plants, particulate organic matter and woody debris. The species shows no preference for a particular pH, and can occur in brackish waters.

Agrypnia varia has a univoltine reproductive cycle (one generation per year) in temperate regions and lives less than one year. Its feeding ecology is mainly predatory, with some grazing/scraping and gathering of fine particulate organic matter.

Wings with contrasting, brownish-black pattern – quite variable, but nevertheless characteristic of the species. At least the front and back thighs are darkly striped. Larval cases constructed from plant fragments.

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