Pogonocherus hispidus · dygliasparnis žabinukas
- Lesser Thorn-tipped Longhorn Beetle
- Dorniger Wimperbock, Rauer Wimperbock
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https://www.ukbeetles.co.uk/pogonocherus-hispidus Adults are present year-round, they overwinter under bark and among dead wood. Females oviposit on small twigs and branches, 1-2cm in diameter, of a notably wide range of hosts, these include almost any broadleaf tree species but also many shrubs and, unusually, ivy, holly and, on the continent, they have been observed on mistletoe. Larvae develop under bark, producing long and sometimes branching galleries, through the summer and into the autumn when they enter the xylem to pupate in an oval cell near the surface. Adults eclose in late summer or autumn and may remain within the pupal cell until the spring or they may emerge and overwinter under bark or even in leaf-litter beneath trunks and fences of hedgerows, becoming active in mild spells.
Subfamily: Lamiinae · niūrūnėnai
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