
Sepedon sphegea · sraigžudė
- blue long-horned snailkiller
- Rødbenet kærflue
- Zwarte langsprietslakvlieg
- cyrcun wysmukły
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72157676310517063/
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sepedon_sphegea
- naturespot.org.uk/species/sepedon-sphegea
The larvae attack aquatic pulmonate snails. Adults will scavenge from dead insects such as dragonflies. The habitat of this species includes among many others, pond margins and damp meadows. Adults can be found all year long but the main flight period is from March to October. Length 8 to 11 mm. The body of this species is mainly brown or blackish, but the femurs are a striking orangey red and the tarsae are black. The hind femurs have a row of bristles that stand out.
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