Diplotaxis muralis · mūrinis šatreinis
- annual wall-rocket
- Mauer-Doppelsame, Acker-Doppelrauke, Mauersenf
- mūrinis šatreinis, mūrinis šatrenis
- mūru divsēkle
- dwurząd murowy
This plant is native to temperate regions of North Africa, Europe and parts of western Asia, but it is found throughout the temperate world, where it has naturalized. This is an erect mustard-like plant rarely reaching half a meter in height. It has lobed leaves and its stems are topped with dense inflorescences of yellow, or occasionally light purple, flowers with small oval petals and large anthers. The fruit is a podlike silique two to four centimeters long. It grows in waste and disturbed ground, such as beside railways, roads and on tips. It is pollinated by bees and other flying insects. It is occasionally cultivated and ploughed into fields as a 'green manure'.
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