
Philodromus margaritatus f. tigrinus · kamieninis vikrūnas
- lichen running spider
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- kamieninis vikrūnas
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- de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philodromus_margaritatus
- arachnophoto.com/en/philodromidae-2/philodromus-margaritatus
- gbif.org/species/5169517
It is found in Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia to Kazakhstan, Korea and Japan. Philodromus margaritatus occurs on trunks of trees, both pines and broad-leaved, especially when these are covered with lichens. It is variable in colour, and camouflaged to resemble lichen on which it sits. Adults are found in May and June.
Female 8 to 10 mm. Abdomen remarkably broad. Grey-brown with dark spots or silvery grey with contrasting black markings. Carapace grey-brown with a lighter median band or silvery grey with large black spots. Legs and palps light grey-brown with clear dark brown annulations or silvery grey with black annulations.
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