Nephrotoma crocata · ilgakojis uodas
- Gelbbindige Schnake
- Mustaniittyvaaksiainen
- Driebandtijger
- nerkosz jesienny
It is found in large parts of Europe. To the south, its distribution area extends to North Africa, and to the east to Central Asia and Pakistan. Adults feed on nectar. During mating, the females carry the male, which hangs upside down. The female lays the eggs one by one in the ground using her ovipositor. The larvae feed on the roots of herbaceous plants, and at night also on above ground parts of plants.
The crane flies reach a body length of just under 20 mm. The basic color of the crane flies is black. There is an orange spot on the head above the base of the antennae. The thorax has yellow spots on the sides. There are 3 to 4 lemon-yellow horizontal stripes across the abdomen. The females have a bulbous abdomen that tapers towards the back and ends in a short ovipositor. The females have 13-segmented antennae, while the males have 19 segments.
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