Ganoderma applanatum · plokščiasis blizgutis «Ganoderma applanatum · plokščiasis blizgutis^Thumbnails«Ganoderma applanatum · plokščiasis blizgutis^Thumbnails«Ganoderma applanatum · plokščiasis blizgutis^Thumbnails

Ganoderma applanatum · plokščiasis blizgutis

  • Ganoderma lipsiense, Polyporus applanatus
  • artist's bracket, artist's conk, artist's fungus, bear bread
  • Flacher Lackporling, Malerpilz
  • plokščiasis blizgutis
  • parastā plakanpiepe
  • lakownica spłaszczona

This fungus is parasitic and saprophytic and grows as a mycelium within the wood of living and dead trees. The Ganoderma applanatum grows in single, scattered, or compound formations. It forms fruiting bodies that are 3–30 cm wide × 5–50 cm long × 1–10 cm thick, hard as leather, woody-textured, and inedible. They are white at first but soon turn dark red-brown. The upper surface of the fruiting body is covered with reddish brown conidia. Brown spores are released from the pores on the underside of the fruiting body. The spores are highly concentrated, and as many as 4.65 billion spores can be dispersed from a 10–10 cm section of the conk within 24 hours. The tubes are 4–12 mm deep and terminate in pores that are round with 4–6 per millimetre. The fruiting bodies are perennial, and may persist for multiple years, increasing in size and forming new layers of pores as they grow. These layers can be distinguished in a cross section or from observation of the concentric rings on the upper surface of the fruiting body. This allows the fruiting body's age to be determined using the same method as tree rings.

Ganoderma applanatum is a wood-decay fungus, causing a rot of heartwood in a variety of trees. It can also grow as a pathogen of live sapwood, particularly on older trees that are sufficiently wet. It is a common cause of decay and death of beech and poplar, and less often of several other tree genera, including alder, apple, elm, buckeye and horse chestnut, maple, oak, live oak, walnut, willow, western hemlock, Douglas fir, old or sick olive tree, and spruce. G. applanatum grows more often on dead trees than living ones.

Vaisiakūniai dideli, 5-40 cm skersmens, bekočiai, pusiau apskritų, plokščių kepurėlių pavidalo, pavieniai, kartais suaugę po kelis, nelygūs, raukšlėti, su kieta luobele, kuri paspausta įlūžta, pilkšvai rudos arba rudos spalvos. Vamzdeliai tramos spalvos, 0,5–1 cm ilgio, daugiasluoksniai. Poros apskritos, jaunų grybų baltos, senesnių gelsvos arba šviesiai rudos, paspaudus patamsėja. Trama rausvai ruda arba beveik kaštoninė, kamštiška. Sporos gelsvai rudos, elipsiškos arba kiaušiniškos, karpotos, dvigubu apvalkalėliu, 6–10 × 5–6,5 μm. Daugiametis, randamas ant išvirtusių lapuočių, rečiau spygliuočių medžių ir kelmų, pasitaiko ir ant augančių medžių. Labai dažnas. Sukelia baltąjį arba gelsvąjį medienos puvinį.

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