Pseudeuophrys erratica · žievinis žvilgutis
- Euophrys erratica
- Black-palped Jumping Spider
- Rinden-Keilspringer
- žievinis žvilgutis, klajoklinis blaustūnas
- drobnik krętowłosy
- hällhoppspindel
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudeuophrys_erratica
- arachnophoto.com/en/salticidae-2/pseudeuophrys-erratica/
- araneae.nmbe.ch/data/360/Pseudeuophrys_erratica
- gbif.org/species/2173232
It has a widespread distribution across Europe and Asia, and has been introduced to the United States. P. erratica is normally found under the bark of trees or under rocks on forest fringes. Adults can be found in spring and summer, females also in autumn. Resembles Pseudeuophrys lanigera.
Female 4‒5 mm. Abdomen dark brown with a pattern of light hairs and light bands at the rear. Carapace dark brown to black with a light median band which becomes wider towards the eyes and from there it covers the entire top of the head. Light hairs along the sides. Legs light-dark annulated. Palps which almost white hairs.
Male approximately 4 mm. Basic colour a lot darker than in females. The light markings on the abdomen and carapace are partly almost white. Legs clearly annulated and first pair of legs almost entirely black. Palps white on top and black at the ends.
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