Eratigena atrica is found in Europe, Central Asia and Northern Africa. It was also introduced to the North America. The giant house spider's original habitat consists mostly of caves, or dry forests where it is found under rocks, but it is a common spider in people's homes. E. atrica is one of the biggest spiders of Central Europe. Females grow up to 18 mm, males up to 15 mm. Adult males can be found from July to October, adult females occur all year. The ones you see running on the floor are often males, searching for females. E. atrica normally lives for two or three years, but lifetimes of up to six years have been observed.
Kūno dydis 15 mm patinėlių ir 18 mm patelių. Tinklas susideda iš vamzdelio formos slėptuvės ir plokščios gaudymo srities, kurioje susipainioja vabzdžiai. Kokoną patelė dažniausiai pakabina šalia tinklo. Jis yra rutulio ar lęšio formos ir užmaskuojamas. Greitai bėgioja. Gyvena rūsiuose, sandėliuose, namų kertėse, olose.
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