
Pardosa amentata · vikrusis šuolininkas
- Spotted Wolf Spider
- Dunkle Wolfspinne, Gebänderte Wolfspinne, Uferwolfspinne, Uferlaufwolf
- vikrusis šuolininkas
- wałęsak zwyczajny
- prickvargspindel
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pardosa_amentata
- araneae.nmbe.ch/data/153/Pardosa_amentata
- gbif.org/species/2146241
The species has a widespread distribution in central Europe and northwestern Europe. The spider occurs in a wide range of open habitats, especially in damp areas. It has been recorded from grasslands, marshes, riversides, fens, saltmarsh, hedge banks, moorland, blanket bog, waste ground and field margins but rarely in heathland.
Prosoma brown, median bright band reddish, yellowish posteriorly. Median longitudinal band slightly forked posteriorly. Lateral longitudinal bands interrupted or missing. Prosoma length female: 2.7-3.5 mm, prosoma length male: 2.6-3.4 mm. Legs yellow-red, annulated. Opisthosoma black with reddish pattern or dark brown. Body length male: 5.5-6.5 mm, female: 6.0-8.0 mm.
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