
Eurimyia lineatus · žiedmusė
- Anasimyia lineata, Lejops lineatus, Rhingia lineata
- snouted duckfly
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- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anasimyia_lineata
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72157629609588267
- gbif.org/species/10366531
It is a Palaearctic species of hoverfly. The face protrudes forwards as a long snout which tapers to a point. The body has dark ground colour. The male has triangular orange markings on the tergites (especially on tergite 2). Female markings are orange or grey. The stigma is in the form of a dark patch between the veins. The rat-tailed larvae develop amongst submerged rotting plant debris and the bases of emergent plants.
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