Tibellus oblongus · paprastasis laibavoris
- Oblong Running Spider, Grass-blade Spider
- Gewöhnlicher Halmstrecker
- paprastasis laibavoris, ilgapilvis laibavoris
- podłużnik długonogi
- ängshalmspindel
- naturespot.org.uk/species/tibellus-oblongus
- araneae.nmbe.ch/data/901/Tibellus_oblongus
- gbif.org/species/9805173
naturespot.org.uk/species/tibellus-oblongus It is a spider with a Holarctic distribution. Tibellus oblongus occurs in a variety of dry or damp but sunny habitats, ranging from sand-hills to grassland of most types, though longer herbage seems to be preferred. It does not spin webs, but instead actively hunts small insects, which it kills with venom.
Body length male: 5-7.5 mm, female: 6.5-11.5 mm. Quite a large and elongate pale creamy brown spider with various markings, and usually a darker stripe down the centre of the abdomen. Prosoma light yellow, with broad, dark median stripe, males often more intensely patterned and darker. Legs yellowish, sometimes with fine darker spots. Opisthosoma light yellow, sometimes reddish, dorsally with brown median stripes, posteriorly with 1-2 pairs of dark spots. The males look similar to the females although their bodies are slimmer.
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