Chalcosyrphus nemorum male · žiedmusė
- Dusky-Banded Forest Fly, Small Forest Hoverfly
- Kurze Langbauchschwebfliege
- Lund-træsmuldsvirreflue
- Pajupuuhari
- Korte bladloper
- imik mały
- Fläckig mulmblomfluga
It is found in a Palearctic and Nearctic. Preferably in wet deciduous and mixed forests and carr where willows and Alder are present, often at the edge of waters. The adults are also known as flower flies for they are commonly found around and on flowers, from which they get both energy-giving nectar and protein-rich pollen. Larvae have been found under the bark of Larix, Pinus and a variety of hardwoods.
Wing length 6.5-8.25 mm. Hind femora are swollen and deep. Hind tibiae strongly curved and the ventral surface with closely-set short black hairs for the whole length. The abdomen is short tergites 2-4 with a pair of pink or orange-brown marks. The legs are black with yellow knees and yellow tarsi.