
Mimas tiliae · liepinis sfinksas
- lime hawk-moth
- Lindenschwärmer
- liepinis sfinksas
- liepu sfings
- nastrosz lipowiec
The larva is green with yellow and red markings along the side and a blue horn at the hind end, typical of the family. It feeds mainly on lime but has also been recorded feeding on Ulmus, Alnus, Betula and other deciduous trees and shrubs. The colour changes to purple-grey when ready to pupate, at which point the larvae wander in search of a pupation site. The species overwinters as a pupa in the soil at the base of its host tree.
Priekiniai sparnai rusvi ar žalsvi su plačia skersine vidurine juosta, užpakaliniai sparnai ryškiai geltoni. Skraido kur daug liepų, taip pat lapuočių miškų pakraščiuose, gyvenvietėse gegužės – birželio mėn.
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