
Polyommatus icarus · dirvinis melsvys
- common blue butterfly
- Hauhechel-Bläuling
- dirvinis melsvys
- parastais zilenītis
- modraszek ikar
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_blue
- pyrgus.de/Polyommatus_icarus_en.html
- first-nature.com/insects/lb-polyommatus-icarus.php
The larval foodplants are various members of the Fabaceae. They include various vetches (Vicia spp), Clovers (Trifolium spp), Medicks (Medicago spp) and most commonly Bird's-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus).
Common Blues overwinter in their half-grown larval state. The pale green caterpillar have yellow stripes; they produce a honeydew-like liquid on which ants feed. To protect their food suppliers the ants in turn ward off predators that might otherwise eat the caterpillars.
Viena labiausiai Lietuvoje paplitusių melsvių rūšių.
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