Dictyna uncinata · kabliškasis raizguolis ^Thumbnails»Dictyna uncinata · kabliškasis raizguolis^Thumbnails»Dictyna uncinata · kabliškasis raizguolis

Dictyna uncinata · kabliškasis raizguolis

  • barbed mesh-weaver
  • Heckenkräuselspinne
  • kabliškasis raizguolis
  • ciemieniec kędzierzawnik
  • cedivečka plotová
  • Struikkaardertje

Distribution: Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to Far East), Central Asia, China, Japan. A species that seems to be found higher in the vegetation than D. arundinacea where it makes its mesh web across the surface of the leaves of bushes and trees. It is commonly found in scrub, hedgerows and woodland. It has been found in gardens and has occasionally been noted on prostrate rockery plants spun up in the dead flower heads.

A very small (2.5 ‒ 3.5 mm) spider. This is a sexually dimorphic species - the female has a dark and light brown patterned hairy body, the male is more uniformly dark grey or blackish. Legs and palps light yellow-brown with thin annulations. No darkening of apical ends of tarsi.

Dictyna uncinata has three white stripes on the carapace and Dictyna arundinacea has five.

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