
Sitona lineatus · juostuotasis sitonas
- pea leaf weevil
- Gestreifte Blattrandkäfer
- juostuotasis sitonas
- svītrainais zirņu smecernieks
- oprzędzik pręgowany
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sitona_lineatus It is native to Europe and North Africa, and is considered an invasive species in North America. S. lineatus are univoltine species that are oligophagous within the Fabaceae plants. Adults will overwinter in the field margins of pea, bean crops, or migrate to fields of alfalfa before the onset of winter.
Adult beetles measure 3.4-5.3 mm in length. They are characterized by a series of colored scales arranged in alternating lines (striae) on the elytra. The head and pronotum also have fine pointed setae amongst the scales. The antennae are clubbed, pointed and preceded by 7 segments. The femora is dark, but tibiae and tarsi are red.
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