
Lamium maculatum · dėmėtoji notrelė
- spotted dead-nettle, spotted henbit, purple dragon
- Gefleckte Taubnessel
- dėmėtoji notrelė
- plankumainā panātre
- jasnota plamista
It is native throughout Europe and temperate Asia (Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, western China). Lamium maculatum grows in a variety of habitats from open grassland to woodland, generally on moist, fertile soils at an altitude of 0–1,500 m above sea level. It tends to grow higher in spring while during the colder weather it is much flatter to the ground. Lamium maculatum is a prostrate, spreading herbaceous perennial. This species is very variable in terms of leaf size and shape, hairiness and flower colours. It reaches on average 20–80 cm in height. It has erect, hollow and pubescent stems, branched at the base only. The soft hairy leaf blades are about 2–10 cm long. They are sometimes spotted, toothed with long petioles, about 2–4 cm long. Their shape varies from ovate-triangular to heart-shaped. The inflorescence bears about two to eight hermaphrodite flowers about 20–30 mm long. The flowers of the plant are formed in the leaf axils of the upper leaf pairs. The upper lips of the flowers are helmet-shaped, usually pink or purplish, while the bilobate lower ones are whitish with purple dots. The stamens are located in the upper lip and have orange pollen. The flowering period extends from April through November.Stiebas stačias arba kylantis, apaugęs baltais plaukeliais. Lapai kiaušiniški, viršutinė pusė plika, apatinė apaugusi retais plaukeliais. Žiedai po 6-10 susitelkę į menturius. Vainikėlis purpuriškai raudonas ar rožinis. Žydi gegužės – spalio mėn. Auga drėgnuose krūmuose, paupiuose, pakelėse. Augalas medingas.
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