Xysticus cristatus · paprastasis krabvoris
female spider guarding its nest
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xysticus_cristatus The species has a Palearctic distribution, being found throughout Europe (including Iceland) to South Siberia, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Central Asia, China, Korea, Japan. It has been introduced to Canada and United States.
The adults of Xysticus cristatus can reach a body length of about 6–8 mm in the female, of about 3–5 mm in the smaller male. The colour varies from light cream, dark brown to greyish. It is much darker in males, with contrasting designs. In both sexes the carapace shows a broad whitish median band containing a brown triangle facing the back and ending with a sharp, black apical macula. The dorsum (upper surface) of the opisthosoma has a dark leaf pattern with white edges and light transverse stripes on the right and left.
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