Jasione montana · kalninė austėja
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- kalninė austėja
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This plant is found in the north temperate zone of Europe, west Asia and north Africa. It is a plant growing on heaths and moors in rocky or sandy districts, coastal cliffs, quarries and natural escarpments where the soil is thin. It prefers acid soils and is absent from limestone regions and blooms from May to September.
Jasione montana is a low biennial or occasionally annual plant growing 20-50 cm tall with suberect stems that branch near the base. The leaves are linear, lanceolate, narrow at the base, sinuate, stiffly hairy and forming a rosette. The small violet-blue flowers are in small heads. The bracts are smooth or hairy and the petals have narrow lobes. There are 5 oblong anthers which unite at the base forming a tube, a feature that differentiates this plant from true scabiouses.
The individual florets open successively. The anthers ripen first and later the styles elongate and the two-lobed stigmas are displayed. There are nectaries in the upper part of the ovaries and many insects visit the flowers. The flowers are visible under ultraviolet light and it is believed that this makes them attractive to pollinating insects.
Dvimetis, 20-50 cm aukščio žolinis augalas, paplitęs sausose pievose, pušynuose, dirvonuose. Stiebas status, mažai šakotas, plaukuotas. Lapai aštrūs, lancetiniai, bekočiai. Žydi birželio-rugpjūčio mėnesiais smulkiais, melsvais žiedeliais, stiebo viršūnėje susitelkusiais į apvalias galvutes. Žiedynus gaubia kiaušiniški, užaštrinti lapeliai. Vaisius – apvali dėžutė.
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