Veronica filiformis · siūlinė veronika Veronica filiformis · siūlinė veronikaThumbnailsVeronica filiformis · siūlinė veronikaVeronica filiformis · siūlinė veronikaThumbnailsVeronica filiformis · siūlinė veronikaVeronica filiformis · siūlinė veronikaThumbnailsVeronica filiformis · siūlinė veronika

Veronica filiformis · siūlinė veronika

  • slender speedwell, creeping speedwell, threadstalk speedwell, Whetzel weed
  • Faden-Ehrenpreis
  • siūlinė veronika
  • pavedienu veronika
  • przetacznik nitkowaty It is native to eastern Europe and western Asia, and it is known in many other regions as an introduced species. V. filiformis is a rhizomatous perennial herb producing mats of hairy stems that readily root at nodes that touch substrate. It is self-sterile and rarely seeds, being spread by stolons. The corolla of V. filiformis is four-lobed and blueish with a white tip, around 8–10 mm in diameter, the top lobe being largest since it is actually a fusion of two lobes. At the center are two long, protruding stamens. Solitary flowers occur in leaf axils. They are on relatively long, slender stalks that arise from the leaf axils, and appear between April and July. The leaves, found near the base of the stem, are 5–10 mm across, rounded or kidney-shaped with blunt teeth and short stalks, and smaller on distal parts. It is perennial.

Aukštis 7-20 cm. Stiebas plonas, driekiasi pažeme ir įsišaknijantis. Lapai apie 5 mm ilgio. Žydi gegužės – birželio mėn. Kilusi iš Kaukazo. Lietuvoje reta, bet plinta. Auga pievose, parkų žolynuose. Sėklas brandina retai, bet lengvai dauginasi ir plinta stiebų gabalėliais, pjaunant veją.

model Canon EOS 20D
f 2.8
EV± 0.0 EV
speed 1/320 s
flash no, mode: supressed
ISO 100
focal 100 mm
mode auto