Polygala vulgaris · paprastoji putokšlė «Polygala vulgaris · paprastoji putokšlė^Thumbnails«Polygala vulgaris · paprastoji putokšlė^Thumbnails«Polygala vulgaris · paprastoji putokšlė^Thumbnails

Polygala vulgaris · paprastoji putokšlė

  • common milkwort
  • Gewöhnliche Kreuzblume, Gemeine Kreuzblume, Gewöhnliches Kreuzblümchen, Wiesen-Kreuzblume
  • paprastoji putokšlė
  • parastā ziepenīte
  • krzyżownica zwyczajna, krzyżownica pospolita

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygala_vulgaris This species is native to Europe, including European Russia, and to Turkey. It is an introduced species in the US. Polygala vulgaris reaches on average 7–35 cm in height. The stems have many branches and are woody at the base. It has alternating pointed leaves, almost glabrous, 2 to 4 mm wide and 10 to 20 mm long. Basal leaves are spatulate, with rounded apex, while the upper leaves are lanceolate.

The flowers are gathered in long terminal inflorescences. The colour of the corolla varies between blue and violet, it can rarely occur in purple forms. The flower's outer three sepals are normally small, green and insignificant, whilst the inner two sepals are bigger. The inner sepals are usually shorter than the petals. Anastomosing veins on the inner sepals. The stalks of the eight stamens are joined to form a tube, and united with this tube, one on either side, are two tiny petals. On the lower side of the flower lies the third petal; it too, is joined to the stamen tube, but it is larger, and fringed. The flowering period extends from May through July.

Common milkwort is quite similar to the heath milkwort (Polygala serpyllifolia), but in this species the inner sepals are usually longer than the petals. The heath milkwort can be all the same colours except for white.

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