Hypericum montanum · kalninė jonažolė ^Thumbnails»Hypericum montanum · kalninė jonažolė^Thumbnails»Hypericum montanum · kalninė jonažolė

Hypericum montanum · kalninė jonažolė

  • pale St. John's-wort, mountain St. John's wort.
  • Berg-Johanniskraut, Berg-Hartheu
  • kalninė jonažolė
  • kalnu asinszāle
  • dziurawiec skąpolistny

luontoportti.com/en/t/1723/mountain-st-johns-wort It is native to Eurasia and Morocco in North Africa. A perennial herb confined to chalk and limestone districts, and only occasionally found over other substrates. It prefers warm, well-drained soils, and grows by hedges and in thickets, amongst scrub, in rough grassland, open woodland and rides. Reproduction is by seed, and vegetative spread is very slow.

15-70 cm tall herbaceous plant with an upright, naked and non-branching stem. The leaves are arranged in pairs along the entire length of the stem, however, the almost horizontal pairs of leaves are far from each other. The leaves are oblong, about 3-6 cm long and 0.6-1.5 cm wide. They are widest below their middle. The flowers are dense and rather small-flowered (most often 3-10 flowers) at the top of a strong stem. Petals are yellow, about 0.9-1.4 cm long. Sepals are narrowly lanceolate, about twice as short as the sepals, the edge of the sepals is sharply toothed, each tooth has a dark gland at the tip.

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