Claviceps purpurea · paprastoji skalsė «Amanita verna · baltoji musmirė^Thumbnails»Collybia phyllophila · vaškinė tauriabudė«Amanita verna · baltoji musmirė^Thumbnails»Collybia phyllophila · vaškinė tauriabudė«Amanita verna · baltoji musmirė^Thumbnails»Collybia phyllophila · vaškinė tauriabudė

Claviceps purpurea · paprastoji skalsė

  • rye ergot fungus
  • Purpurbraune Mutterkornpilz
  • paprastoji skalsė
  • melnie graudi, vilkazobi
  • buławinka czerwona Claviceps purpurea is an ergot fungus that grows on the ears of rye and related cereal and forage plants. Consumption of grains or seeds contaminated with the survival structure of this fungus, the ergot sclerotium, can cause ergotism in humans and other mammals. C. purpurea most commonly affects outcrossing species such as rye (its most common host), as well as triticale, wheat and barley. It affects oats only rarely.

Ergotism is the name for sometimes severe pathological syndromes affecting humans or animals that have ingested ergot alkaloid-containing plant material, such as ergot-contaminated grains. One of symptoms are severe burning sensations in the limbs. These are caused by effects of ergot alkaloids on the vascular system due to vasoconstriction of blood vessels, sometimes leading to gangrene and loss of limbs due to severely restricted blood circulation.

Paprastoji skalsė – parazitinis rugio grybas, vystosi rugio varpos žieduose. Sudaro pailgus, kartais tribriaunius, šiek tiek lenktus, kietus, juodai violetinius darinius – gimdinius skleročius. Ilgis – 1-3 cm, storis – iki 0,6 cm. Skalsėse yra fiziologiškai labai aktyvių alkaloidų. Kai kurie iš jų yra labai nuodingi, todėl jokiu būdu negalima vartoti maistui skalsėmis užkrėstų grūdų. 1467

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