Agabus bipustulatus · dusiavabalis «Agabus bipustulatus · dusiavabalis^Thumbnails«Agabus bipustulatus · dusiavabalis^Thumbnails«Agabus bipustulatus · dusiavabalis^Thumbnails

Agabus bipustulatus · dusiavabalis


It is a species of beetle native to the Palearctic (including Europe), the Afro-tropical region, the Near East and North Africa. In Europe, it is found everywhere except in several small countries and islands.

9.5-11.5mm elongate oval and depressed but the shape varies, the outline may be continuous or it may be constricted between the pronotum and elytra. Usually black or with reddish elytra and often with a bronze lustre, especially in the male. Legs dark red. Antennae pale with the distal half of the terminal segment dark. Two spots on the vertex of the head and the posterior margins of the sternites red. The pronotal and elytral microsculpture is characteristic of the species; the cells are very elongate, up to 6x longer than wide, and are obvious with a hand lens in the field. The basal segments of the pro- and masotarsal segments are dilated, and the claws are unequal in the male. In general the male is shiny and the female, with much more extensive microsculpture, is dull.


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