
Phaenops cyanea · mėlynasis blizgiavabalis
- Melanophila cyanea, Phaenops cyaneus
- Fyrrepragtbille
- Blauer Kiefernprachtkäfer
- sinikauniainen
- mėlynasis blizgiavabalis
- blåpraktbille
- przypłaszczek granatek
- blå praktbagge
- forestpests.eu/pest/phaenops-cyanea
- Plant Parasites of Europe: Phaenops cyanea
- gbif.org/species/4431541
The adult is shiny blue, 8-11 mm in size. It swarms in July and August. The larvae overwinter in the bark. They continue in feeding in spring. They excavate characteristic galleries in phloem first, later also in sapwood. They pupate in rough bark (rhytidome). The exit holes are 6 x 3 in size. Feeding of metallic wood-boring beetle larvae on 40-60 year-old pine stands can result in sudden dieback of trees. The bark falls off the trunks, while the trees still have fully or at least partially green crowns. Host plants: Picea abies, Pinus halepensis, mugo, nigra & subsp. laricio + salzmannii, pinaster, sylvestris, uncinata & subsp. uliginosa.
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