Byrrhus fasciatus · kamuolvabalis
thanatosis, underside, ventral side - pilvas
- Banded Pill-Beetle
- Bånd pillebille, Båndødebille
- vyönuppo
- geelbandpilkever, gegordelde pilkever, gegordelde pillenkever
- otrupek wstężyk
Body strongly convex, spherical. Typical colour form with silver (less often reddish-brown), wide, semilunar transverse band; on the inner edge of this band three “teeth” visible directed towards the head – two narrow lateral and one wide central. Silver hairs forming the band may be reduced or worn – the band is therefore dark with light edges or the band is completely missing. Silver hairs also cover the pronotum – however, even in this case they may disappear. Pronotum finely punctate; spaces between the points smooth – an important diagnostic feature of the species, unfortunately impossible to assess on field photographs. Underside of the abdomen relatively densely hairy.
Similar to Byrrhus pilula, but Byrrhus fasciatus is slightly smaller and has two broken lines across the elytra, although these can be hard to see on some specimens. The typical color form with a clearly marked band on the elytra can be confused with some individuals of Byrrhys pustulatus, which also have such a band – however, it is usually golden or reddish and only exceptionally silver. Individuals without a band can easily be confused with other species of the genus.
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