Carabus glabratus · lygusis puošniažygis «Carabus glabratus · lygusis puošniažygis^Thumbnails»Carabus glabratus · lygusis puošniažygis«Carabus glabratus · lygusis puošniažygis^Thumbnails»Carabus glabratus · lygusis puošniažygis

Carabus glabratus · lygusis puošniažygis

Vilnius, Griovių geomorfologinis draustinis This is a widespread central and northern European species occurring from northern and eastern France to northern Italy and Romania, east to the Urals and extending to the far north, above the Arctic Circle, in the north it is more generally an upland and mountain species, typical of boreal forest fauna although throughout the range it also occurs on lowland heaths, juniper scrubland, forests and moorland. Adults occur year-round and are active from May until late summer; they are nocturnal predators but may also be active during the day, walking among moorland vegetation or across sphagnum bogs. They occur in permanently damp environments, among litter on heather moors, among peat bogs or in shaded woodland; on the continent they are sometimes common in dense, dark pine forests. The species is flightless and disperses by walking, breeding occurs in the spring and early summer and larvae develop through the summer producing new-generation adults late in the year.

Macrogamta: ...išvaizda ir dydžiu yra labai panašus į violetinį, tačiau šio puošniažygio apatinės lūpos antrasis narelis tik su dviem šereliais, o priešnugarėlės bei antsparnių pakraščiuose nėra violetinio ar žydro atspalvio.

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