
Lebia cruxminor · kryžiuotasis lapažygis
on Achillea millefolium
- Korstegnet græsløber
- Kleinkreuz-Prunkläufer
- ristityppykiitäjäinen
- kryžiuotasis lapažygis
- Kruispronkloper
- oleśnica krzyżaczka
- röd örtlöpare, korstecknad örtlöpare
Black head. Red pronotum. Elytra not reaching the end of the abdomen, red with a black cross-shaped pattern. Overwintering as adults. Adults feed on small invertebrates in various stages of development. The larva is known to feed as an ectoparasite on the pupae of the black leaf beetle Galeruca tanaceti.
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