
Chrysomela populi larva · tuopinis gluosninukas, lerva
- Melasoma populi
- Poplar Leaf Beetle
- Pappelblattkäfer, Weidenblattkäfer
- tuopinis gluosninukas
- lielais apšu lapgrauzis
- rynnica topolowa
This species is one of the most widespread and frequent species of leaf beetles from the subfamily Chrysomelinae. These beetles can be found in the Palearctic realm, in most of Europe. Both the larvae and the beetles live and feed on young leaves of various plants of the Salicaceae species, especially Populus and Salix species. Aposematic colors: adults may emit a red, highly-smelling, repellent liquid, obtained from the salicylic acid contained in their food plants.
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