Gonioctena viminalis · žilvitinis dygblauzdis ^Thumbnails»Gonioctena viminalis · žilvitinis dygblauzdis^Thumbnails»Gonioctena viminalis · žilvitinis dygblauzdis

Gonioctena viminalis · žilvitinis dygblauzdis

  • Phytodecta viminalis, Chrysomela viminalis
  • Korbweiden-Blattkäfer, Veränderlicher Weidenblattkäfer
  • pajunruskokalvaja
  • žilvitinis dygblauzdis
  • roodbruin wilgenhaantje, gestippeld wilgenhaantje, rood struikhaantje
  • szubarga dziesięciokropka
  • svartbent videbagge

The subspecies Gonioctena viminalis viminalis is widespread in northern and central Europe. In Europe it is only absent in the south. To the east, the subspecies is present as far as Siberia. The subspecies Gonioctena viminalis rubra is restricted to Asian Russia, Mongolia, Korea and northeastern China.

Can be found in thickets, meadows, forest edges, willow beds. Phytophagous, larvae feed on willows.

Head and legs black. Pronotum and elytra usually red with black spots, variable in shape and size, less often entirely yellow-orange or black. Scutellum always black. Similar to Gonioctena decemnotata and Gonioctena fornicata but these have, among other things, lighter legs. Gonioctena quinquepunctata has lighter antennae. All of these beetles also differ in different patterns on the elytra and pronotum.


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