Harmonia quadripunctata · keturtaškė boružė «Harmonia quadripunctata · keturtaškė boružė^Thumbnails

Harmonia quadripunctata · keturtaškė boružė

  • cream-streaked lady beetle, four-spot ladybird
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  • havupirkko
  • keturtaškė boružė
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It is widespread from northern to southern Europe. The species is also present in the eastern Palearctic realm and in the Near East. These ladybirds live in pine forests from the lowlands to the hills.

Harmonia quadripunctata is a large Coccinellid with a length of 5.5–6 mm. The colouration is very variable. The species is typically bright red, brown or yellow, although some individuals with greatly expanded dark patches appear almost completely black. The common name "cream-streaked" is in reference to the vertical pale lines present on many individuals. Although the base pattern consists of 18 black spots, many individuals do not show all 18 markings. The 2 marginal spots on each elytron frequently show even in the lightest marked individuals, hence the species epithet quadripunctata.

The pronotum is not very variable, with a consistent pattern of 11 markings, 5 of which are large and bold. Lighter specimens with limited spots may be similar to H. axyridis, but the pronotum and elytral pattern does not overlap.

The four-spot ladybird is a predator of various species of aphids such as Lachnus pinicola. The period of activity extend from March to October. These beetles over-winter in communities under the bark of various deciduous and coniferous trees such as pines and poplars.

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