
Strophosoma capitatum · šeriuotasis straubliukas
- Baum-Trapezrüssler
- aitokeräkärsäkäs
- šeriuotasis straubliukas
- grauwbruine dennensnuitkever, dennenknopsnuitkever
- zmiennik brudny
- buskögonvivel
The beetle species is widespread in Europe. The beetles' habitat is forests and open areas with trees. The adult polyphagous beetles can be found on a variety of trees: on pines, spruces and larches and the European beech, as well as on firs, birches, rowans and oaks. The beetles prefer to feed on needles, leaves, buds and young shoots. There are two periods of increased feeding activity each year: in spring before egg laying and in late summer/autumn. The larvae feed on the roots of herbaceous plants such as Calluna vulgaris.
The beetle is 3 to 5.2 mm long. It has a broad proboscis. The black elytra are covered with brown-bronze scales. Several rows of black dots run along the elytra.
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