Dalopius marginatus · raudonšonis spragšis
- margined click beetle
- Geränderter Schnellkäfer, Gestreifte Forstschnellkäfer
- raudonšonis spragšis
- drgalnik obrzeżony
- blåbärsknäppare
- ukbeetles.co.uk/dalopius-marginatus
- naturespot.org/species/dalopius-marginatus
- gbif.org/species/4428376
Size 6 to 8 mm. Elytra predominantly a dark orangey brown colour with a darker chestnut brown coloured stripe running down the centre, wider at the anterior and narrowing towards the posterior. Pits form rows down the length of the elytra. The pronotum and head are dark brown with lighter orange angles and edge. A sparse covering of hairs are visible. The legs are orange. The antennae are dark brown and very long, extending a way beyond the posterior edge of the pronotum.
Habitat: Forests and sub-forest areas, meadows, clearings, thickets; prefers moist biotopes. Omnivorous larvae live in the surface layer of the soil – they feed on organic remains of plant and animal origin; according to some sources, they actively hunt small invertebrates.
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