Dorcus parallelipipedus male · platusis elniavabalis ♂
- lesser stag beetle
- Balkenschröter
- platusis elniavabalis
- blāvā briežvabole
- ciołek matowy
Like those of other stag beetles, the white, C-shaped larvae feed on wood. Adults as well as larvae are found in very soft decaying wood of broad-leaved trees, especially ash (Fraxinus excelsior), beech (Fagus sylvatica) and apple (Malus spp). Adults cannot eat solid food, but they can drink tree sap and the liquid of fallen fruits.
Adult beetles can be found in woodland, parkland and hedgerows in the summer, often resting in the sun on trees. After they mate, females lay their eggs in rotting, decaying wood. The larvae take only 1 to 2 years to develop, much less than Lucanus cervus, which can take up to 7 years. They also live up to 2 years after emerging from its pupa, not like the larger beetle which only lives a few weeks as an adult.
Kūnas 18 - 32 mm. Juodas, matinis, plokščias ir platus. Galva, priešnugarėlė ir antsparniai vienodo pločio, todėl kūno šonai atrodo lygiagretūs. Vabalai skraido gegužės – liepos mėn. Lervos vystosi trūnijančioje ąžuolo, alksnio, liepos, gluosnio medienoje. Graužia ilgus, netaisyklingus cilindriškus takus, kurie būna pilni rupių išgraužų. Lėliukės lopšelį taip pat išsikloja išgraužomis. Tai dažniausias elniavabalių šeimos vabalas Lietuvoje.
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