Malachius bipustulatus mating · dvidėmis pūsliavabalis poruojasi
- malachite beetle
- Zweifleckige Zipfelkäfer, Zweifleckige Warzenkäfer
- dvidėmis pūsliavabalis
- divplankumu māņmīkstspārnis
- bęblik dwuplamek
The body is 5–7 mm long, the head and pronotum are brownish, while elytrae are shining metallic green with a bright red spot at the end. Along the sides of the abdomen this species has a peculiar structure with orange pouches.
These beetles mainly inhabit meadows at low altitudes. During the day they stay on herbs and flowers, including flowers of garden plants, mainly on Apiaceae, Asteraceae and Rosaceae species, where they feed on pollen, nectar and small insects. In case of necessity, this beetle can release a smell that deters predators. The males attract females producing special secretions from its antennae. The larvae usually live under bark, in old wood or on the ground in grass roots, hunting small insects, larvae and slugs.
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