Oedemera virescens female · laibavabalis ♀ Oedemera virescens male · laibavabalis ♂ThumbnailsOedemera virescens female · laibavabalis ♀Oedemera virescens male · laibavabalis ♂ThumbnailsOedemera virescens female · laibavabalis ♀

Oedemera virescens female · laibavabalis ♀

  • Graugrüner Schenkelkäfer
  • Matgrøn solbille
  • Viherpaksureisi
  • Groene schijnboktor

In some photos probably Oedemera lurida. This species belongs to a complex of three species, the Oedemera-lurida-complex, which are quite difficult to distinguish one from the other, as the separation relies on subtle characters. These beetles usually need to be dissected and examined under the microscope. While the Oedemera lurida is, on average, smaller than Oedemera virescens, size is not typically used to distinguish the two.

Males are easily distinguished from O. lurida by the dilated hind femora, these may be weakly developed but are always much broader than the middle femora. Females may be distinguished by the form of the apical abdominal sternite (view from below and ignore the tergites), in O. lurida it is smoothly rounded apically while in the present species it is shallowly emarginate.

model Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL
f 16
EV± 0.0 EV
speed 1/60 s
flash yes, mode: unknown
ISO 100
focal 65 mm