
Byctiscus populi · tuopinis cigarsukis
- poplar leaf roller, poplar leaf-rolling weevil
- Pappelblattroller
- tuopinis cigarsukis
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The female usually deposits one egg in a leaf roll. A leaf roll consists of one, rarely two leaves that has been rolled into a tight cylinder. Before she has gnawed a wound in the petiole, causing the leaf lo loose its turgor. Generally, the leaf rolls soon drop to the ground. When the larva in the roll is full fed it crawls into the ground to pupate. The new beetle generation appears before the winter. Host plants: Salicaceae, monophagous. Populus alba, x canadensis, deltoides, nigra, tremula, trichocarpa. Preference for young trees, suckers.
Apačia juodai mėlyna, labai panašus į Byctiscus betulae (liepinis cigarsukis), kurio apačios spalva tokia kaip ir viršaus.
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