
Helophilus hybridus · žiedmusė
- marsh tiger hoverfly
- Helle Sumpfschwebfliege
- Mustanilkkahelosurri
- Moeraspendelvlieg
- gniłun kwieciak
It is a Palearctic species. Habitat: around pond and ditch margins where the water is shallow, and submerged grass grows on the blackish mud. The aquatic rat-tailed larvae have been recorded feeding on the decaying rhizomes of Bulrush.
Females resemble a large, buffish H. pendulus but the hind tibiae are only yellowish in the basal third. Males are more distinctive with large, continuous panels of buff occupying the sides of tergites 2 and 3. The black facial stripe readily separates it from H. trivittatus.
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