Serratella ignita male · rusvapilvis lašalas ♂ Potamanthus luteus male · lašalas ♂ThumbnailsSerratella ignita male · rusvapilvis lašalas ♂Potamanthus luteus male · lašalas ♂ThumbnailsSerratella ignita male · rusvapilvis lašalas ♂Potamanthus luteus male · lašalas ♂ThumbnailsSerratella ignita male · rusvapilvis lašalas ♂

Serratella ignita male · rusvapilvis lašalas ♂

Ant lazdyno lapo.

  • Ephemerella ignita, Ephemera ignita
  • blue-winged olive
  • Feuerfarbene Eintagsfliege
  • rusvapilvis lašalas
  • jętkówka karpacka
  • röd strömslända The sub-imago has dark blue grey wings and the tails are banded with brown. Females have dark green eyes and the body is a greenish olive. As the flight period progresses the body darkens to a rusty brownish olive. The male has red eyes and the body varies between orange-brown and olive brown. The last segment is often a much lighter shade. Nymphs have 4 pairs of gills and banded legs and tails.

Nymphs of this species live in fast flowing streams and rivers, especially where aquatic vegetation is present. They are usually found clinging to, or crawling amongst submerged plants and stones, although they may swim in short bursts if disturbed. Adults can usually be found near to this type of stream. There is one generation a year, which usually overwinters in the egg stage and emerges between April and September.

model Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL
f 16
EV± 0.0 EV
speed 1/30 s
flash yes, mode: unknown
ISO 100
focal 65 mm