Gorytes laticinctus · žiedvapsvė
- Broad-banded Hopper Wasp
- pihakaskashukka
- lys sikadegraver
- niestylak szerokopasek
- bwars.com/wasp/crabronidae/nyssoninae/gorytes-laticinctus
- naturespot.org/species/gorytes-laticinctus
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72157714823024883
- gbif.org/species/8997839
It is widely distributed in the western Palaearctic region, eastwards to the Kirgizian steppes and southwards to Africa. Gorytes laticinctus usually associated with rough vegetation such as brambles in open situations (heathland, scrub, coastal dunes, coastal landslips and soft rock cliffs), quarries and occasionally gardens. Typically observed running over brambles and other low herbage. Flight period: Mid-June to mid-August.
Nesting occurs in light soils. The female made several excavations each day. The main nest tunnel extends about 10 cm down into the soil (at which point it may continue a small distance upwards), giving rise to 3-4 short side tunnels with terminal cells. The cells are stocked with bugs such as Philaenus spumarius, Cercopis spp., Aphrophora alni.
Flowers visited: umbellifers such as wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), carrot (Daucus carota), hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) and water-dropworts (Oenanthe sp.).
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