Formicidae-3871.jpg ThumbnailsLasius flavus · geltonoji dirvinė skruzdėlėThumbnailsLasius flavus · geltonoji dirvinė skruzdėlė

Lasius flavus · geltonoji dirvinė skruzdėlė

EN · yellow meadow ant, yellow hill ant
DE · Gelbe Wiesenameise, Gelbe Wegameise, Bernsteingelbe Ameise
LV · dzeltenā skudra
PL · podziemnica zwyczajna
The queen is 7–9 mm long, males 3–4 mm and workers 2–4 mm. Their colour varies from yellow to brown, with queen and males being slightly more darkly colored.

The species lives primarily underground in meadows and very commonly, lawns. The nests are often completely overgrown by grass, however, often their presence is betrayed by small mounds of loose soil material between the grass stalks. They will also nest under large rocks or concrete slabs.