
Eriocampa ovata larva · pjūklelis, lerva
- woolly alder sawfly
- Rotfleckige Erlenblattwespe
- alkšņu zāģlapsene
- olszanica dwubarwna
- www.sawflies.org.uk/eriocampa-ovata
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eriocampa_ovata
- www.naturespot.org.uk/species/alder-sawfly
A distinctive species with a blood red top to the thorax and heavily punctured black sides and head. Similar to Eutomostethus ephippium which is smaller, less punctured and has red sides to the thorax as well as the top. In Eriocampa ovata the sides of the thorax are black and heavily punctured. Males are extremely rare, the females breeding by parthenogenesis. The larvae feed on the leaves of the common alder (Alnus glutinosa) and the grey alder (Alnus incana).
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- Insecta · vabzdžiai / Hymenoptera · plėviasparniai / Tenthredinidae · tikrieji pjūkleliai / Eriocampa ovata · pjūklelis
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