
Macrophya cf. annulata Geoffroy (or blanda F.) · pjūklelis
- Black Orangeband Sawfly, Cinquefoil Strider, Red-belted Macrophya
- brosznica czarnonoga
- sawflies.org.uk/macrophya-annulata
- flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/albums/72157712319453891
- naturespot.org/species/macrophya-annulata
- gbif.org/species/4490492
Length: 11 - 12 mm. This is a mainly black sawfly but with a broad orange-red band on the abdomen. Macrophya typically have long hind legs and have a convex labrum (as opposed to the flat one in Tenthredo species). Macrophya annulata is a mimic of a pompilid wasp and is one of the first sawflies one learns to recognise in the field.
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