Orthosia cruda caterpillar · mažasis ankstyvasis pelėdgalvis, vikšras
- Taeniocampa pulverulenta
- Small Quaker
- Kleine Kätzcheneule, Gelbgraue Frühlingseule
- mažasis ankstyvasis pelėdgalvis
- Kleine voorjaarsuil
- przegibka dębica, piętnówka dębowa
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthosia_cruda
- pyrgus.de/Orthosia_cruda_en.html
- naturespot.org/species/small-quaker
- gbif.org/species/11992983
Larva yellowish green, sometimes brown; dorsal and subdorsal lines fine, yellowish white;spiracular line broader and yellower; anal segment with a yellow cross bar; spiracles white with black rings. The larvae feed on various deciduous trees, such as oak and willow. It lives between leaves spun together.