Craterellus cornucopioides · paprastasis trimitėlis

  • horn of plenty, black chanterelle, black trumpet
  • Totentrompete, Herbsttrompete
  • paprastasis trimitėlis
  • rudens taurene
  • lejkowiec dęty

This This edible mushroom, or rather a complex of species until recently included under this name, is found in woods in Europe, North America, East Asia, Japan. Craterellus cornucopioides (sensu stricto) is now (Matheny et al., 2010) considered to be a purely European species. It mainly grows under beech, oak or other broad-leaved trees, especially in moss in moist spots on heavy calcareous soil.

Craterellus cornucopioides are edible and choice. They look rather unattractive but have a very good flavour. When dried their flavour acquires black truffle notes; in this form it can be crumbled as a condiment.