Kuehneromyces mutabilis · kislioji kelmiukė

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuehneromyces_mutabilis Kuehneromyces mutabilis is found in Europe, North America, Asia (Caucasus, Siberia, Japan), Australia. This species always grows on wood, generally on stumps of broad-leaved trees (especially beech, birch and alder), and rarely on conifers. It is found from April to late October, and also in the remaining winter months where conditions are mild. It is often seen at times when there are few other fungi in evidence.

The clustered shiny convex caps are 6–8 cm in diameter. They are very hygrophanous; in a damp state they are shiny and greasy with a deep orange-brown colour towards the rim; often there is a disc of lighter (less sodden) flesh in the middle. In a dry state they are cinnamon-coloured. The gills are initially light and later cinnamon brown, and are sometimes somewhat decurrent (running down the stem). The stipe is 8–10 cm long by about 0.5–1 cm in diameter with a ring which separates the bare, smooth light cinnamon upper part from the darker brown shaggily scaly lower part.

Though edible, K. mutabilis cannot be recommended as it could be confused with the deadly poisonous Galerina marginata, even by people who are quite knowledgeable.

Kepurėlė 3-7 cm skersmens, jauna išgaubta varpelio formos, vėliau iškili, su buku, tamsesniu nei kepurėlės pakraščiai gūbreliu, rudai geltona, sendama pašviesėja, lygi, pakraščiai su dalinio apdangalo liekanomis. Lakšteliai pilkai rudi, tankūs, šiek tiek kotu nuaugę žemyn. Kotas 4-8 cm ilgio, 0,3-0,8 cm storio, prie kepurėlės pilkšvas, su baltais taškeliais, žemiau rausvai rudas, plaušuotas, su ryškiai rusvu, plaušuotu rinkiu. Trama malonaus kvapo ir skonio, gelsvos spalvos. Auga birželio–spalio mėnesiais ant lapuočių, rečiau spygliuočių medžių kelmų, stuobrių, išvartų, dažniausiai didelėmis grupėmis ar kupstais. Valgomas, bet labai panašus į mirtinai nuodingą eglinę kūgiabudę (Galerina marginata), geriau nerinkti.