![Metrioptera roeseli nymph · paprastasis spragtukas, nimfa](../../../_data/i/upload/2008/02/29/20080229001548-11c88a98-me.jpg)
Metrioptera roeseli nymph · paprastasis spragtukas, nimfa
- Roesel's bush-cricket
- Roesels Beißschrecke
- Ääris-niiduritsikas
- paprastasis spragtukas
- podłatczyn Roesela
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roesel%27s_bush-cricket Roesel's bush-cricket is commonly found throughout southern and central Europe, as well as further North, in Finland, Latvia and Sweden. Its native range stretches from west Europe to western Siberia.
Roesel's bush-crickets have a preference for ungrazed meadows, with tall grass swards, which are a component of its diet. Other parts of their diet are grass seeds and smaller insects. They also have a preference for humidity, and thus require grasslands which remain reasonably undisturbed.
Adult Roesel's bush-crickets are medium-sized Tettigoniid between 13–26 mm in length. They are normally brown or yellow, often with a greenish shade and a rarer green form also sometimes occurs. An identifying feature is the yellow-green spots along the abdomen, just behind the pronotum, along with a matching margin along the border of the pronotum. Both male and female adults are normally brachypterous. However, a macropterous form, f. diluta also exists.
Kūnas 14-19 mm, rusvas; viršugalvis su tamsia juosta ar dėme, perskirta šviesia išilgine linija. Patinėlio cerkai su danteliu tarp vidurio ir viršūnės. Antsparniai be žalsvo atspalvio. Minta daugiausia augalais bei smulkiais vabzdžiais.
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