
Ancylis mitterbacheriana caterpillar · ąžuolinis ancylis, vikšras
- Amber Hook-wing, Red Roller
- Eichen-Spitzflügelwickler
- tammisirppikääriäinen
- ąžuolinis ancylis
- Oranje haakbladroller
- eikesigdvikler
- eksikelvecklare
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancylis_mitterbacheriana
- naturespot.org/species/ancylis-mitterbacheriana
- insektarium.net/lepidoptera-2/tortricidae-zwojkowate/ancylis-mitterbacheriana
- gbif.org/species/5103185
The larvae feed on Quercus, Malus, Fagus species, and the adult moth can sometimes be found resting on the upper surface of a leaf during the day.
The background of the forewings is chestnut-orange-red; halfway along the length of the wing there is a white, almost straight transverse band, which does not reach the outer edge of the wing and divides the wing into a darker anterior part and a lighter, yellowish posterior part. Similar: some other species in the family – identification in field photographs may be problematic.
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