Euproctis similis caterpillar · geltonuodegis verpikas, vikšras «Euproctis similis caterpillar · geltonuodegis verpikas, vikšras^Thumbnails»Euproctis similis caterpillar · geltonuodegis verpikas, vikšras«Euproctis similis caterpillar · geltonuodegis verpikas, vikšras^Thumbnails»Euproctis similis caterpillar · geltonuodegis verpikas, vikšras«Euproctis similis caterpillar · geltonuodegis verpikas, vikšras^Thumbnails»Euproctis similis caterpillar · geltonuodegis verpikas, vikšras

Euproctis similis caterpillar · geltonuodegis verpikas, vikšras

  • Sphrageidus similis
  • yellow-tail, goldtail moth, swan moth
  • Schwan
  • geltonuodegis verpikas
  • zeltastes mūķene
  • kuprówka złotnica

It is distributed throughout Europe to the Urals, then east across the Palearctic to Siberia[3] and south to India and Sri Lanka. This species has a wingspan of 35–45 mm, the female usually noticeably larger than the male. All parts of the adults are pure white, apart from a bright yellow tip to the abdomen (larger in the female) and a small black or brown tornal mark on the forewing of the male. It flies at night in July and August and is attracted to light, especially the males.

Larva black, with sparse black grey hairs, a brick-red divided longitudinal dorsal stripe, white lateral stripes and black head, segment 1 black streaked with yellow, the tubercles on segments 4 and 11 also black. It usually feeds on trees and shrubs such as alder, apple, birch, blackcurrant, blackthorn, cherry, chestnut, hawthorn, oak, rowan and sallow. It has also been recorded on monkshood, which is a herbaceous plant. This species overwinters as a larva. The larvae disperse soon after emerging from the eggs, which are covered with the anal wool of the female, hibernate singly and pupate at the beginning of June. Pupa blackish brown in a whitish cocoon. It is common everywhere in the distribution area. The moth comes to the light and when at rest folds the wings very steeply in roof-shape; when touched it feigns death, lying on its side with the wings closed.



Canon EOS 6D
0.0 EV
1/160 s
yes, mode: compulsory
65 mm

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